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Kun-Lin Kuo and Yuchung J. Wang* (2023). Analytical computation of pseudo-Gibbs distributions for dependency networks. Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability, 25, 29. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11009-023-10016-3. SCI. |
Kun-Lin Kuo and Yuchung J. Wang* (2019). Pseudo-Gibbs sampler for discrete conditional distributions. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 71: 93-105. SCI. |
Kun-Lin Kuo* and Yuchung J. Wang (2018). Simulating conditionally specified models. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 167: 171-180. SCI. |
Kun-Lin Kuo and Thomas J. Jiang* (2018). A revisit of the distribution of linear combinations of Dirichlet components. Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods, 47: 509-520. SCI. |
Kun-Lin Kuo, Chwan-Chin Song and Thomas J. Jiang* (2017). Exactly and almost compatible joint distributions for high-dimensional discrete conditional distributions. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 157: 115-123. SCI. |
James M. Dickey, Thomas J. Jiang* and Kun-Lin Kuo (2013). Distribution of functionals of a Ferguson-Dirichlet process over an n-dimensional ball. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 120: 216-225. SCI.
Kun-Lin Kuo and Yuchung J. Wang* (2013). A fresh look at the running time analysis for the Gibbs sampler. Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation, 42: 1815-1823 SCI.
Kun-Lin Kuo and Yuchung J. Wang* (2011). A simple algorithm for checking compatibility among discrete conditional distributions. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis. 55: 2457-2462. SCI.
Chwan-Chin Song, Lung-An Li*, Chong-Hong Chen, Thomas J. Jiang and Kun-Lin Kuo (2010). Compatibility of finite discrete conditional distributions. Statistica Sinica, 20: 423-440. SCI.
Yuchung J. Wang* and Kun-Lin Kuo (2010). Compatibility of discrete conditional distributions with structural zeros. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 101: 191-199. SCI.
Kun-Lin Kuo* (2009). Compatible non-normalized conditional densities. Journal of the Chinese Statistical Association, 47: 104-112.
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Thomas J. Jiang* and Kun-Lin Kuo (2008). Distribution of a random functional of a Ferguson-Dirichlet process over the unit sphere. Electronic Communications in Probability, 13: 518-525. SCI.
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Thomas J. Jiang*, James M. Dickey, and Kun-Lin Kuo (2004). A new multivariate transform and the distribution of a random functional of a Ferguson-Dirichlet process. Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 111: 77-95. SCI.
1. | Thomas J. Jiang, Kun-Lin Kuo (2006). On the random functional of the Ferguson-Dirichlet process. Proceeding of the Section on Bayesian Statistical Science of the American Statistical Association. pp. 52-59. |
2. | Thomas J. Jiang, Kun-Lin Kuo (2006). An inverse formula of the univariate c-characteristic function. Proceedings of 5th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Statistics, Mathematics and Related Fields. pp. 994-998. |
Thomas J. Jiang, Kun-Lin Kuo (2007). The inversion formula of the c-characteristic function and the random functionals of Ferguson-Dirichlet processes. Technical Report, NCCU 701-07-T11-01, Department of Mathematical Sciences, National Chengchi University.
Thomas J. Jiang, Kun-Lin Kuo (2006). On the random functional of the Ferguson-Dirichlet process. Technical Report, NCCU 701-06-T11-01, Department of Mathematical Sciences, National Chengchi University.
Chwan-Chin Song, Lung-An Li, Chong-Hong Chen, Thomas J. Jiang, Kun-Lin Kuo (2005). Compatibility of finite discrete conditional distributions. Technical Report, NCCU 701-05-T04-02, Department of Mathematical Sciences, National Chengchi University.
Chwan-Chin Song, Thomas J. Jiang, Kun-Lin Kuo (2005). On the Fisher’s discriminant analysis. Technical Report, NCCU 701-05-T04-01, Department of Mathematical Sciences, National Chengchi University.
Thomas J. Jiang, Kun-Lin Kuo (2005). An inversion formula of the univariate c-characteristic function. Technical Report, NCCU 701-05-T11-01, Department of Mathematical Sciences, National Chengchi University.
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